It’s that time of year again, and so I hope your TBR is piled high with lots of German-language literature to read, enjoy and share during the month. Or even, because this year there will a rulebreakers week, literature written in other languages by German-speaking authors. (The full schedule for the month is here.)

Please note: There will be no Mr Linky on for your reviews this year. I’m afraid he’s not aging well, and causes more technical issues than he’s worth. So to share your reviews, please leave a comment below. Alternatively advertise your reviews on twitter (X), facebook, instagram or blue sky using the hash tag #germanlitmonth, and I’ll find it to include in the author index at the end of the month.

One convention we are sticking with is the week long extension into the first week of December. This is to allow time to catch up on reviewing. German Literature Month is a time for enjoyment and reviewing against the clock is somewhat counterproductive.

So with the admin sorted, all that remains is to welcome you all to German Literature Month 13. Herzlich willkommen! Let’s get the party started!

****** Newsflash *****

Mel U of The Reading Life and longtime participant of German Literature Month has asked if posts on German film could be submitted. We’ve had an alternative film festival strand before, so why not? Apparently there are loads of free films available on Youtube, and I’m going to search out a candidate for a book-to-movie post.