It’s been an up-and-down start to the year. In January I adopted my new schedule of 1 post a week. Decided I liked it, as I could think more about what I was writing. In February I upped the pace for #ReadIndies and travelled around the globe via 10 books from 9 publishers, before reverting back to 1 post a week in March. Somehow I have reviewed 19 out of 20 books read. I’m quite happy with that.

Read 1Q 2024

The low buying plan was not quite as low as I would have liked, for I amassed a lovely TBR to take me through to the European Writer’s Festival in May. It appears, however, that the universe has other things in mind …

Illness in the family, and I need to stay put for the next few months. All spring travel plans are cancelled, and the blog is likely to go silent for a wee while. This may be madness given that I haven’t read a single word for 10 days, but my intention is to read Hans Fallada’s Wolf Among Wolves for the upcoming #1937club. A mere bagatelle at 793 pages that has been on my shelves for 14 years! Well, it’s now or never.

See you on the other side.